Being a victim of crime can be a traumatic and stressful experience in itself and if you chose to report the experience, the processes that follow can also sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why it’s so important that you receive the appropriate support from the moment you report a crime, right through to the end of any court trial.
Everyone who makes up the Criminal Justice System is committed to providing a good service. The details of their commitment are set out in a legal document known as the ‘Code of Practice for Victims of Crime’.
Below is an overview of the Victim’s Code, but you can also download the full version and a helpful Beacon leaflet about your rights from the ‘Resources’ section of this website. If you contact Beacon, we can guide you towards getting the support you’re entitled to.
Who is entitled to receive help?
Anyone who has been a victim of crime is entitled to support to help them cope and recover, irrespective of whether they have reported it to the police. In some circumstances, it’s the family of the victim that needs to access support too.
What are my rights under the Victims Code of Practice?
You have rights under the Victims’ Code if you are someone who has suffered harm, including physical, mental or emotional harm, or economic loss which was directly caused by a criminal offence.
This includes if you are:
Where eligible, you have the Right to be told about how to claim compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused as a result of crime.
a nominated family spokesperson if the victim has a mental impairment or has been so badly injured because of a criminal offence that they are unable to communicate or lacks the capacity to do so.
The Victims Code is clear that you should be kept informed about the progress of the case and made aware of any help that is available to you at different stages. It also sets out a minimum standard for the criminal justice service providers that must be provided to victims of crime in England and Wales. All victims under this code are entitled to the below 3 rights regardless of whether the crime has been reported to the police.
You have the Right to be given information in a way that is easy to understand and to be provided with help to be understood, including, where necessary, access to interpretation and translation services.
You have the Right to make a complaint to the relevant service provider if you believe that you have not received your Rights under the Victims Code. If you remain unhappy, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.
You have the Right to be referred to services that support victims, which includes the Right to contact them directly, and to have your needs assessed so services and support can be tailored to meet your needs. If eligible, you have the Right to be offered a referral to specialist support services and to be told about additional support available at court, for example special measures. For non-Hertfordshire residents you will be provided with the details of the victim care team in your force area. For Hertfordshire residents this service is provided within Beacon Victim Care by Beacon Support Workers employed by Catch-22 that are independent of the police. If you would like support, please visit the Contact Us page and get in touch.
You have the Right to make a complaint to the relevant service provider if you believe that you have not received your Rights under the Victims Code. If you remain unhappy, you can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Police investigation
Your entitlements:
You have the Right to have details of the crime recorded by the police as soon as possible after the incident. If you are required to provide a witness statement or to be interviewed, you have the Right to be provided with additional support to assist you through the process.
You have the Right to receive written confirmation when reporting a crime, to be provided with information about the criminal justice process and to be told about programmes or services for victims. This might include services where you can meet with the suspect or offender, which is known as Restorative Justice.
You have the Right to be provided with updates on your case and to be told when important decisions are taken. You also have the Right, at certain stages of the justice process, to ask for decisions to be looked at again by the relevant service provider.
You have the Right to make a Victim Personal Statement, which tells the court how the crime has affected you and is considered when sentencing the offender. You will be given information about the process.
If any property was taken as evidence, you have the Right to get it back as soon as possible.
Where eligible, you have the Right to be told about how to claim compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused as a result of crime.
Where eligible, you have the Right to be told about how to claim compensation for any loss, damage or injury caused as a result of crime.
Court hearings
Your entitlements:
If your case goes to court, you have the Right to be told the time, date and location of any hearing and the outcome of those hearings in a timely way. If you are required to give evidence, you have the Right to be offered appropriate help before the trial and, where possible, if the court allows, to meet with the prosecutor before giving evidence.
If you are required to attend court and give evidence, you have the Right to claim expenses.
You have the Right to be told the outcome of the case and, if the defendant is convicted, to be given an explanation of the sentence. If the offender appeals against their conviction or sentence, you have the Right to be told about the appeal and its outcome.
Where eligible, you have the Right to be automatically referred to the Victim Contact Scheme, which will provide you with information about the offender and their progress in prison, and if/when they become eligible for consideration of parole or release. Where applicable, you also have the Right to make a Victim Personal Statement to explain how the crime affected you and continues to affect you.
Ongoing advice and support
Your entitlements:
you should be referred to organisations supporting victims of crime, such as the Beacon Victim Care Centre
a needs assessment should be carried out so that the appropriate help can be offered
you should receive information about Restorative Justice
you can apply for compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme

An enhanced service is available for victims of serious crime, those who have been persistently targeted or intimidated and anyone who is considered to be vulnerable. If you are a victim of one of the crimes shown below, or have a mental health illness, learning difficulties, physical disability or were under 18 at the time of the crime, you may be entitled to an enhanced service.
Serious crime
Domestic abuse
Hate crime
Sexual offences
Human trafficking
Attempted murder
False imprisonment
Arson with intent to endanger life
Wounding/causing grievous bodily harm with intent
Persistently targeted crimes
Repeated offences