If you have been the victim of a crime, you are the only person who can fully appreciate the impact it has had on your daily life, work and relationships. For this reason, you may be asked to write a Victim Personal Statement (VPS) if a case goes to court. This is an opportunity for you to express in your own words how the crime has affected you emotionally, physically, or financially. It gives you a voice and gives the court an insight into what you have experienced and the effect it has had on your life.
You may be asked if you wish to read your statement out in court, but someone can do this on your behalf if you prefer. Even if your statement is not read out in court, it will still be seen by those involved in the trial and they will have a better understanding of the impact on you. That does mean that the statement will also be shared with the defence and that they may ask questions about your statement if you are giving evidence. The VPS is a formal statement, so you will need to sign a declaration confirming that it is true to the best of your knowledge. Beacon can help you to prepare a VPS, so you won’t have to start from a blank page. There are some rules about what can, and can’t be said, but we can help you with this.
